Livesets Changelog
An overview of new features and improvements are displayed on this page.
Improved lay-out on Smartphones
Social buttons
Like-, follow- and share buttons are added to all live- and session pages on Smartphones.
Smartphone lay-out
We have improved the overall lay-out on Smartphones for a better user experience. Improvements are made in the explorer, session player, profile pages, live pages, member menu and member section. Please report any issues regarding this update to us by using the feedback button on the right side of every page.
Posted: 2014/08/14
Beatbravo version 2.1
Activity page
It is now possible to view activities on Beatbravo in real-time from the brand new 'Activity' page. You can open the page by clicking on the 'Activity' link in the top menu. The page is divided in two columns, 'Act' and 'Interact'. The 'Act' column shows an overview of new members, broadcasts starting or stopping and newly added sessions. The 'Interact' column show the following interaction between Beatbravo users: added comments, followed users, and liked sessions. New information is loaded automatically, so there is no need to reload the page.
Posted: 2014/07/31
Beatbravo version 2.0
New features
Beatbravo now uses SSL (https) to encrypt all connections between your computer and Beatbravo to help prevent intermediary parties, like internet cafes, ISPs, and wifi hotspots, from intercepting or interfering with your activities on Beatbravo.
Non-stop audio player
Audio keeps playing when browsing the website. This enables listeners to keep browsing Beatbravo when listening to a live stream.
All users can now follow other users on Beatbravo. The users you follow and the users that follow you are publicly listed on your profile page.
All publishes sessions can now be liked by clicking on the like button. Your liked sessions, are publicly listed on your profile page.
Real-time user chat
A chat function is added to the live section of all DJ-accounts. With the chat function listeners can chat in real-time with DJs and other listeners other during live sessions.
New live section
The live section on every DJ-account page is renewed. First of all, the link to the live section, is removed from the default profile menu. Live pages are now accessible on every DJ-account page by clicking on the small antenna icon located in the right top corner next to the share and follow button. The layout of the live page has also changed. The previously describe chat function is added to the right side of the page. On the left / main side the currently playing track is now displayed clearer and with bigger artwork. When a U-Stream video feed is added, the video is now moved from the right column to directly under the audio player in the larger- left side of the page. As a result the video is now 3 times larger and which results in a better viewing experience. Off-line video feeds now show a small and subtile text telling that the video is off-line and no longer an empty back video screen. The live playlist has been made shorter and only the last 5 tracks are displayed now. When more more than 5 tracks are played, the other racks can made visible by clicking on the 'more' button.
Broadcast info
In addition to the the biography section on every profile page, DJs can now add extra information regarding their broadcast. The extra info can be added in the 'broadcast settings' section in the control panel of every DJ-account. When broadcast information is added, this will be displayed on the public live section of the DJs page under the audio & video player.
Event details on live page
When you add an event, the event is now displayed on your live at the planned time. Listeners can see all event details while listening.
The track section is now remove from the homepage and the explorer page. We are currently working on a new track section with more options, but the old one just did not added any value. The abundance of proper filters just made it useless at this point. The new track section will be added soon.
From DJ to User
The former DJ section in the explorer is now renamed and is now named Users. The reason is that there are not only DJs that signed up, but also fans, producers & labels. An overview of all users can now be found when browsing this new User section in the explorer. But, just like the track section, this section will soon be removed and replaced with a search bar that will be added to the top menu.
From now on, all new features and improvements will be listed on this page so you can see exactly what's going on. We will announce updates on our news pages, but detailed information will be displayed here.
Listener stability
We received feedback from a few users who told us that some live streams stopped playing after a few minutes of listening on some mobile devices such as smartphones or tables. We have taken the time to test this closely and we found a few problems that caused this behavior. The problems are now solved and all live streams are now more stable than ever. Happy listening!
Faster loading
We have made some overall improvements that speed up the overall loading time of all pages.
Posted: 2014/07/25