Ecstatic Dance-Spring Equinox

2 hr 28 min | Sat 21 Mar 2020 18:55
Ecstatic Dance Online United We Dance - Together We Rise We will have a Facebook Live Stream on our HeartBeat - Ecstatic Dance Stuttgart page. For better audio quality - we will stream over here : UP-DATE : We have a surprise for you that will be revealed this evening Its time to reveal our sweet surprise regarding our first HeartBeat - Ecstatic Dance Stuttgart Online Dance We are thrilled and very excited to be the first ED on the globe, that will play & share with the world 2 brand new tracks, that will be released only on Sunday on Bandcamp. ⭐️ Cura El Corazon - Praful Mystik ⭐️ ⭐️ Cura El Corazon - Praful ( Kareem Raïhani Remix ) ⭐️ Its the first single release of Praful ´s new Album Selva Sagrada that will be launched next month The EP will also include a Dj friendly Remix Join us this upcoming Saturday at 8pm CET ✨ United We Dance - Together We Rise ✨ Astral Dance - Lets connect through the stars ⭐️ Warm -Up with Frank Lee Döllinger ⭐️ Ecstatic Dance Set Alex Kunjara ⭐️ Sound Healing with Sound Explorer Praful We are looking forward to connect and dance with you wherever you are . Please, share with friends, dancers and music lovers. Its also possible to donate for each artist. To donate for the Warm-Up with Frank To donate for the Ecstatic Dance Set with Alex Kunjara To donate for the Sound Healing with Praful We ❤️ You Times are crazy at the moment. Due to the corona virus pandemic, people are forced to stay at home and to minimize their social interactions. Shops are closed, people are leery against each other and coughing in public makes everyone look scary. But isn’t it, especially in this hard times, more than ever necessary, to stand together? To be connected and to unite? To bring together our hearts to go as a tribe through this crisis? I’ve been thinking for a long time what my contribution could be. And, once again, I understood that music is my way to strengthen people and help them to get in a better mood and to uplift their energy. In „normal“ times, I would have organized an ecstatic dance event. But as public gatherings are strictly restricted almost worldwide, this is not possible right now. So, why not bringing together modern technology and a heartopening spririt? So here’s the plan: On Saturday, 21. March at 8 pm CET, I will start an Ecstatic Dance Online. Make yourself a save place at home or wherever you are, connect your smartphone or your computer to your home Hifi-system or your bluetooth speaker, turn up the volume and connect with people all around the globe. We will make a full ecstatic dance, including opening circle, high-vibrating tunes, free-movement dance and a closing circle. I'm still looking for that right platform to stream audio in high quality and video. All technical information will follow, so stay tuned! And, of course, please share this event! Chat Moderation: Anjali Fanny Mlinarik We are all united, we are all one! With love and compassion ????
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