Post-All Souls Day Soundbath

1 hr 51 min | Sat 4 Nov 2023 19:49
NB. The recording gets *very* glitchy after an hour or so - I suggest you STOP LISTENING AT THIS POINT. A shame, because I played almost two hours of music that in most cases I'd not played before and had zero issues in the room. (I updated my DJ software and used my smartphone as a hotspot to smooth over the spotty wifi in the room.) However, listening back to the recording, the glitches start between the Jon Hopkins version of 'Receiving' and his cover of 'Dawn Chorus'. There are more in 'Under Brinkie's Brae' and the subsequent two tracks, Brian Eno's 'Kites I' and 'Last Night the Moon Came' by Jon Hassell (both of which are uncredited), and there are issues with many of the final tracks. Apologies! I have contacted Livesets support and will, as always, attempt to recreate some of this material from home over the next few weeks. NB. There is one pretty awful segue early on (I was distracted by mixing the video and almost forgot I was playing a live track that ends with the audience clapping!), but hopefully that won't entirely ruin your enjoyment.
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