DJ Skye Lo Edition {Vol. 16}

3 hr 11 min | Tue 8 Oct 2019 04:47
Freestyle Sessions {DJ Skye Lo Edition} {Vol. 16} It's that time of the week where a brotha does a rare "Monday" show filling in for "DJ Skye Lo"... These sessions have been a blast cause it does take my mind of the BS that goes on in life & alot of other things too... I will continue to crank out these DJ sets in the future so enjoy this session & I will return again on "Friday" for the next set of shows! SHOUTOUT TO BROTHA "DJ SKYE LO" FOR ALL HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ODJF CREW & MYSELF WITH THESE DJ RADIO SHOWS.. I DO THIS CAUSE U ARE THE MAN WITH YOUR OWN AGENDA & A LEADER. MAKING THESE RADIO SHOWS ARE DEF A BLAST FO SHO... BIG UPS TO YA MANE!! DJ IG Link: >><< DJ Skye Lo radio link: >><< My DJ Gmail:
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