Fantastic Friday(s)

This event has ended
Fri May 6th 2016, 18:00 (GMT+02:00)
Fantastic Friday(s)
Fri 2016/05/06 18:00 CEST

Sat 2016/05/07 02:00 CEST
Public event
Usually, we quit work early on Friday and head over to the JAMSTUDIO's Amsterdam ( ) to have ourselves many beers, some smokes and fun.
When properly warmed up, we start listening to new tracks, mixing old ones and just fool around.
Occasionally we actually produce a great live set (if we can't help ourselves).
We (DjUnoMas and Mayor of Melody) also go back to back at times, if you see 15 minutes of audio dropouts, keep switching between the accounts.
Currently we have not found a solution to broadcast the mixed signal to LiveSets...
When properly warmed up, we start listening to new tracks, mixing old ones and just fool around.
Occasionally we actually produce a great live set (if we can't help ourselves).
We (DjUnoMas and Mayor of Melody) also go back to back at times, if you see 15 minutes of audio dropouts, keep switching between the accounts.
Currently we have not found a solution to broadcast the mixed signal to LiveSets...
Go ahead and be the first!