2 Year Anni On LiveSets.Com

This event has ended
Mon Dec 28th 2020, 19:00 (GMT-08:00)
2 Year Anni On LiveSets.Com
Mon 2020/12/28 19:00 PST
2nd Anni Roses
Mon 2020/12/28 22:00 PST
Public event
Ladies and gents welcome to his very unique Monday Evening where of this date last year I had came back LIVE ON AIR after a five year hiatus!!! Enjoy the 2nd year anniversary of us being able to broadcast on this wonderful platform and most def enjoy the vibes and music. This year has been a roller coaster for the ages but nevertheless though in 2021 we're doing shit bigger so stay tuned!!! Blessings to each and everyone of you guys rocking with a brotha this year and most def Happy Early 2021 as well!!!!
19:00 PST - 22:00 PST

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